11 Applied Sciences programs found
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- Applied Sciences
11 Applied Sciences programs found
Universidade Santiago de Compostela
PhD in Mathematical Methods and Numerical Simulation in Engineering and Applied Sciences
- Santiago de Compostela, Spain
Full time
3 years
Spanish, Galician
At present, with the rapid evolution of engineering and applied sciences, the need to train specialists in modeling and numerical simulation of processes from the industrial or business field is evident, so that, in these fields, promote from the University the transfer of knowledge and the incorporation of doctors to the R+D+i departments, with training aimed at optimizing processes, reducing costs, improving product quality, designing new technologies, increasing safety, reducing environmental pollution, etc.
Selinus University of Sciences and Literature
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Yoga Therapy
- Ragusa, Italy
24 Months
Distance learning
Yoga is one of the oldest forms of healing. However, so far it has not been applied meaningfully to promote health. The goal of Yoga Therapy is to maximize the restoration of health and well-being of the mind, body and spirit by using a person's own amazing ability to heal. Through this research programme, the candidate should confirm that yoga is a therapy that helps heal ailments using its deep wisdom and traditional principles.
North Carolina A&T State University
Ph.D. in Applied Science and Technology
- Greensboro, USA
Full time
4 years
The mission of the Applied Science & Technology Ph.D. program is to prepare students for high-level science and technology careers in industry, research, and government. Graduates will be able to conceive, develop, and conduct original research that applies physical, mathematical, and technological methods to provide solutions to a broad range of emerging local, national, and global problems related to Atmospheric, Environmental, and Energy Science; Applied Physics; Bioscience; Applied Chemistry; Data Science and Analytics; Applied Engineering Technology; Information Technology; Technology Management; Geomatics; and STEM Education.
University of Lethbridge
Doctor of Philosophy in S.T.E.M. majors
- Lethbridge, Canada
Doctor of Education
Full time
48 Months
The Ph.D. program is thesis-based and offered in a number of areas of study. Depending on the academic background, students may be required to take up to six courses in their area of study; the number and details of the courses are determined in consultation with the supervisor at the time of admission to the program.
Hirosaki University
Doctor of Science and Technology
- Hirosaki, Japan
Full time
The Graduate School of Science and Technology (Doctoral Course) consists of two courses of Advanced Materials Science and Technology and Safety Science and Technology. The former covers the development of useful materials and their application technology and the latter does crisis-controlling technology for natural and human-originating disasters in the highly developed society.
Taylor’s University
PhD (Science)
- Subang Jaya, Malaysia
All PhD students are required to attend the module Scientific Research Practices and Entrepreneurship in their first year of candidature
Medical College Of Wisconsin
Doctrate in Microbiology & Immunology (PhD)
- Wauwatosa, USA
Doctor of Education
MCW’s Microbiology, Immunology & Molecular Genetics PhD program features leading researchers in fields of study such as microbial genetics, immunology, bacteriology and virology.
Lincoln University
Doctor of Philosophy
- Christchurch, New Zealand
A Lincoln University Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) qualification will allow you to challenge yourself to new levels of thinking and problem solving and give you the knowledge and skills to create new land-based knowledge that will ultimately benefit society.
Claremont Graduate University Institute of Mathematical Sciences (IMS)
Ph.D. in Mathematics
- Claremont, USA
With a Ph.D. in Mathematics from Claremont Graduate University, you will join a community of highly educated, capable scientists who excel at communicating knowledge to students, fellow mathematicians, and the global community. CGU’s Institute of Mathematical Sciences (IMS) trains scientists in fundamental areas of mathematics and develops expertise in specialized areas of interest.
Desert Research Institute
Doctor of Philosophy Degree in Atmospheric Sciences
- Reno, USA
- Las Vegas, USA
Full time
4 years
The goal of the PhD degree in the Atmospheric Sciences Graduate program is to prepare and educate students in critical thinking, resulting in innovative ideas that can advance our understanding and knowledge of the earth-atmosphere system in terms of process studies, modelling, and instrumentation.
University of Louisiana at Monroe
Doctor of Philosophy Online Degree Concentration in Systemic Studies
- Monroe, USA
This theoretically oriented Ph.D. is uniquely designed for the clinician, counselor, coach, clergy, healer, educator, scholar, artist and professional who desires deeper study of the contexts that advance the practices necessary for change.
Popular degree type
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Popular education type
PhD Programmes in General Studies Science Studies Applied Sciences
Applied sciences course material often demonstrates how scientists work on technical solutions to industry problems through a combination of scientific principles. This type of program is typically interdisciplinary and often incorporates multiple different branches of science.