PhD Programmes in Mexico 2025
ITESO - Universidad Jesuita de Guadalajara
PhD in Psychological Research
- Tlaquepaque, Mexico
Full time
6 semesters
Generate knowledge that provides elements for the solution of problems related to subjective well-being and resilience, interpersonal relationships, among others. Develop relevant research on psychosociocultural problems that use the methods, techniques and tools of qualitative and quantitative data analysis, as well as generate knowledge and proposals for intervention in vulnerable populations.
Universidad Autonoma de Chihuahua
Philosophia doctorate in animal production and natural resources
- Chihuahua, Mexico
Full time
8 semesters
The program is aimed at the integral formation of human resources at the graduate level, to engage in generation, validation and / or transfer of knowledge and training of professionals, are responsive to innovative proposals and supported knowledge to demands solution to the problem of animal production systems, sustainable use and exploitation of natural resources in Chihuahua, Mexico and even beyond.
Universidad Michoacana De San Nicolas De Hidalgo
PhD of Science in Mechanical Engineering
- México, Mexico
To train human resources of the highest quality with solid knowledge and research capacity, allowing original contributions that generate new knowledge, methods, and technological innovation aimed at solving problems in the region and in the country.
Higher Teacher Training School of Nayarit (Escuela Normal Superior de Nayarit)
Doctorate in Innovation for the Improvement of Educational Quality
- Tepic, Mexico
Doctor of Education
With state authorization number 003620, issued by the Ministry of Public Education of Nayarit, and federal authorization number DEGESPE / 2465/15 dated September 25, 2015, issued by the Ministry of Basic Education and the General Directorate of Higher Education for Education Professionals, it is an educated program, with a duration of two years (six semesters), whose graduates will contribute to improving educational quality to help raise the level of academic achievement of students of basic and upper secondary education, through the innovation of hope, to produce learning.
Eulalio Ferrer Centre for Advanced Studies in Communication (Centro Avanzado de Comunicación Eulalio Ferrer)
PhD in Communication and Strategic Thinking
- Ocoyoacac, Mexico
It is the only Doctorate in Latin America whose theoretical foundation is Engineering in Social Communication and Strategic Communication (NTE). Our teachers are of high level and what is sought is to generate doctors who apply their methods and models to the areas of social life on which they investigate. It is a program that is taught remotely, with sessions every 15 days during the semester, which are recorded and can be sent to the doctoral student's email if it was not possible to connect synchronously. The thought in Communication is considered as the central element of confluence for the efficiency in the application of the diagnosis and the development of communicational solutions and the axis for the theoretical deepening of the phenomenon.
Eleia Centre of Psychological Activities (Centro Eleia Actividades Psicológicas)
Doctorate in Psychoanalytic Clinic
- Mexico City, Mexico
It is the largest doctorate in Latin America in the psychological area and the first in Mexico to be recognized by the SEP. It has the scientific direction of Drs. Norberto Bleichmar and Celia Leiberman, renowned psychiatrists and psychoanalysts with extensive experience. The coordination of the Doctorate is in charge of Dras. Ana María Wiener, Elena Ortiz, Celia Leiberman and Dr. Norberto Bleichmar. Our teachers have a high level of preparation in the psychoanalytic field and extensive experience in teaching. We promote an atmosphere of work and co-responsibility with those students who are interested in solid scientific and ethical training. We orient our program to clinical work. We seek, mainly, the development of the psychoanalytic thinking of the students. We consider it of great importance that our research lines are approached from different referential schemes, always aiming at their application in psychoanalytic practice.
PhD in Science with a specialty in Cell Biology
- Mexico City, Mexico
The Doctorate of Science program with a specialty in Cell Biology is aimed at preparing and training high-level researchers, with the degree of Doctor of Science. All of our graduates have the necessary knowledge to undertake research on the complex biological problems that are currently being addressed, or if they wish, they can continue with their training through a postdoctoral stay abroad or in our country, or, integrate into national research groups such as associate researchers or to teaching staff at different state universities. Alternatively, our graduates can join research or production groups in the industry, either for the development of biotechnological processes, vaccines, and some other technologies with impacts on society or the productive sector.
Centre for Postgraduate Studies in Law (Centro de Estudios de Posgrado en Derecho)
Post-doctorate in Law
- Mexico City, Mexico
Aimed at doctors of the law. At the end of the research protocol; Integration and presenting final results are sought, evaluating achievements obtained and fulfillment of goals applicable to government programs or law initiatives for the benefit of the research area within the educational program of law at the university for graduate studies in law and policy university of any university public and private, and must submit an application raising an exhibition topic that strengthens legal institutions.
Centre for Advanced Studies of the South East (Centro de Estudios Superiores del Sureste)
PhD in education
- Campeche, Mexico
The objective of the Doctorate in Education We train researchers who contribute to the development of the field of education, mainly in the areas of the curriculum, educational planning, and evaluation, generating knowledge that contributes information relevant to its advancement and fosters the effective use of information and communication technologies.
Centre for Advanced Studies in Education / Centro de Estudios Superiores en Educación (CESE)
PhD in education
- Mexico City, Mexico
One of the great challenges facing Mexican education is to promote proactive leadership that contributes to generating innovation and change strategies for integration and responsible participation in this era of great technological, scientific, social, and cultural transformations. In this sense, the Doctorate in Education with the intention of transforming school processes and practices proposes the improvement of the quality of the National Educational System through the professionalization of high academic level of managers, teachers, and pedagogical technical support personnel as well as the development of research for the creation of innovative educational projects that address problems of learning, management, collaborative work, learning networks, and inter-institutional links, among others. The doctoral program is presented as an academic alternative that offers an educational platform to promote the development of high-quality contextualized and projective management capacities, promoting research projects that contribute to the development of policies and models for the continuous improvement of the quality of the education that is offered.
Centre for Advanced Pedagogical and Educational Studies of San Luis Potosí (Centro de Altos Estudios Pedagógicos y Educativos de San Luis Potosí)
- San Luis Potosi, Mexico
The doctorate has a duration of six semesters, within which the regular academic activities are located, consisting on the one hand, in attendance and participation in seminars and workshops one day of the week, with parallel work independently during the rest of the year. week, aimed at ensuring that the student acquires both a solid training in the general knowledge of the discipline and in the specific knowledge of his field of interest and on the other, the realization of a research project that culminates in the degree thesis. The study plan is structured around three training axes: a) Theoretical b) Methodological for Research c) Complementary activities. It also includes four fields of knowledge granted by the referents to conform both the general and the specific contents: I. Teaching II. Management and Educational Policies III. Education and Cultural Diversity IV. Pedagogical Knowledge. The curricular development presents levels of sequential and increasing complexity that allow facilitating the understanding of the phenomena and their necessary theoretical-practical articulation of the educational process, framed in a conception of Curricular Flexibility. It seeks to prepare and induce applicants to the problematization of the current state of education in Mexico, to propose as an object of study one of the problems chosen in a preliminary research project, carried out in a coherent and clear manner, with the pertinent drafting elements. All the skills, tools, and competencies acquired during the Propedeutic Module will be basic for the subsequent development of Seminars and Workshops of the Study Plan.
Casa Lamm Cultural Centre (Centro de Cultura Casa Lamm)
PhD in Global History
- Mexico City, Mexico
General objectives of the study plan: • To train professionals in Global History with the highest academic and scientific level oriented to satisfy the needs of development, production, promotion, diffusion, and transmission of historical and historiographic knowledge at the national, regional, and international level, with a global perspective. • Provide the doctoral student with theoretical-methodological and analytical tools focused on professional practice, at home or abroad, in various areas of historical specialization, namely: research, dissemination, and teaching of History. • Promote a space for Doctorate studies in Global History within the reach of any person, national or foreign, who has a Master's degree in History or related disciplines. • Generate in the doctoral student a historical-critical spirit and creative thinking based on the interactive tools that information and communication technologies currently provide, to broaden and deepen the knowledge that global interconnection provides today.
Biological Research Centre of the North-West (Centro de Investigaciones Biológicas del Noroeste, S.C. (CIBNOR))
PhD in Natural Resources
- México, Mexico
The Postgraduate Studies Program at the Doctorate level of the Centro de Investigaciones Biológicas del Noroeste, SC, CIBNOR, is established with the purpose of contributing to the national effort in the training of human resources for scientific research and technological development in their areas of specialty. In particular, the training of independent researchers and qualified personnel to carry out scientific research tasks is pursued with an approach that includes knowledge of problems that primarily affect the development of the northwest region and the country, active participation in their resolution, and maintaining close ties with the social, government and private sectors.
UNADE American University of Europe (Universidad Americana De Europa)
PhD in Computer Science
- Cancún, Mexico
Graduates of the Computer Science Ph.D. program will be trained to conduct research in higher education institutions or independent research centers. Likewise, they acquire the capacity and autonomy to undertake innovative scientific or technological research projects. This will be both in public and private research institutions.
College of Specializations of the West (Colegio de Especialidades de Occidente)
PhD in Legal Science
- Zapopan, Mexico
GENERAL OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY PLAN To train doctors in law, specialists, and researchers in the field of legal sciences and corporate law that allows them to participate and lead socio-legal changes.