8 Human Resource Management programs found
- Administration Studies
- Human Resource Management
8 Human Resource Management programs found
Atlantic International University
Doctorate in Human Resources Management
- Honolulu, USA
- Online USA
Full time, Part time
Distance learning
The Doctor of Human Resource Management (PhD) objective is to help students lead, consult, or teach in the field of human resources within a complex and global business environment.
EIM - European Institute of Management
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Management
- Online Malta
Full time, Part time
36 Months
Distance learning
Our Ph.D. students cover a wide range of current topics in management: International Business, Finance, Accounting, Controlling, Human Resource Management, Marketing, (Information) Technology Management, Data Analytics, Consulting, Counseling / Training, Interim Management, Entrepreneurship, Innovation Management, Change Management, Leadership / Management, Health Care, Automotive, Tourism and Hospitality etc.
Toulouse School of Management TSM
Doctoral Programme in Management
- Toulouse, France
Full time
5 years
TSM Doctoral Programme offers five in-depth fields of study, for a curriculum of unusual richness and breadth. Since the programme enrolls only 10 to 20 new Ph.D. students each year, doctoral students thrive in an atmosphere of intellectual rigor and creative collaboration among students and faculty.
University of Johannesburg
PhD in Human Resource Management
- Johannesburg, South Africa
Full time, Part time
2 years
The purpose of the Ph.D. in Human Resource Management is to develop the intellectual and professional skills of the student. A qualifying student would show evidence of independent and original scientific in the field of Human Resource Management work.
University of Johannesburg
PhD in Strategic Human Resource Management
- Johannesburg, South Africa
Full time, Part time
2 years
Human resource management entails a strategic and integrated approach to the management of an organization’s most valuable assets – the people – as they individually and collectively contribute to the achievement of the core business objectives.
Telfer School of Management
Phd - human resources management and organizational behavior Ph.D.
- Ottawa, Canada
Full time
Human resource management and organizational behavior students (GRHCO) will develop a taste for research and knowledge with respect to matters related to the human aspect of the work, as topics at the individual level (p. ex. recruitment, selection, job analysis, performance), relational subjects (p. ex. link people to work, mentors-protected relationship, leader-follower relationship, diversity and equity) and subjects at the organizational level (p. ex. organizational learning, change management, compensation systems, industrial relations), but also in relation to subjects from other disciplines such as psychology and sociology.
OUS Royal Academy of Economics and Technology in Switzerland
PhD in Human Resources Management
- Zurich, Switzerland
Full time, Part time
3 years
Distance learning
Ph.D. in Human Resources is a qualification, which is appointed for individuals who have acquired a Master’s degree in the relevant field and want to further enhance opportunities related to career and development.
HEC Paris - Executive Education
PhD in Management and Human Resources
The Management and Human Resources specialization offers training in Organizational Behavior and Theory. The Management and Human Resources specialization offers training in Organizational Behavior, Human Resources Management, and Organization Theory. MHR-specialized Ph.D. students address a variety of questions at the frontier of academic research on the management of organizations and careers, combining rigor and relevance.
Popular degree type
Popular study format
PhD Programmes in Administration Studies MBA Human Resource Management
Obtaining a degree in human resource management is useful for those interested in leading and managing employees at a company or organization. This field of study offers students training in conflict management, creating ROIs, labor relations and building work teams, to name a few.