Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering and Information Technology
Prague 6, Czech Republic
4 up to 5 Years
Full time, Part time
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CZK 138,000 / per year *
* tuition fee per academic year for foreign students. Ph.D. students studying in Czech do not pay any fees
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Doctoral studies at CTU in Prague are pursuant to Doctoral Study Code, in accordance with the Act No.111/1998 Coll., Study and Examination Code for Students of the Czech Technical University in Prague, Rules of Doctoral Study at the CTU in Prague, Admission Procedures - Statute of the CTU (Article 6) and Study Conditions for Foreigners - CTU Statute (Article 9).
The goal of doctoral studies is to prepare graduates for scientific work. By attaining higher qualifications, including knowledge of foreign languages, Ph.D. graduates will significantly increase their career opportunities.
A Ph.D. program at FEE is carried out through full-time and combined (part-time) forms of study. Full-time study at FEE CTU generally takes 4 years, while the combined form of study generally takes 5 years, with the option of interrupting the studies. Transfer between combined study and full-time study, or vice-versa, is possible on the basis of a recommendation by a supervisor and a written statement from the doctoral student to the Dean of the Faculty. The Supervisor is appointed by the Dean. Supervisors are professors, associate professors (docents), or distinguished scholars. It is possible, with the agreement of the Supervisor and the appropriate Branch Board, to complete the study program in a shorter time. Doctoral students studying at CTU are, for the duration of their studies, classified as regular tertiary students, with all associated rights and responsibilities. In both full-time and combined forms of study, doctoral students must submit their doctoral thesis within 7 years of the commencement of their studies.
The studies take place according to an individual study plan, which designates the time allocated to study, specialized and scientific activities with plans for the development of the doctoral thesis, study at other locations (which may be outside the Czech Republic), designated minimum teaching duties, dates of examinations for courses taken, and other responsibilities. The individual study plan is specified by the Supervisor after the doctoral student has expressed his/her agreement with it.
Fulfillment of the coursework component (a study block) of the individual plan is completed by passing the prescribed examinations and by presenting and defending a specialized study (written report) on the current state of the subject in the world. It also comprises a presentation of the student's research work to the scientific community.
After successful completion of the study block, having passed the language preparation, it is possible to apply for the final comprehensive doctoral examination, in which the student should demonstrate his/her specialized theoretical knowledge, methods of scientific work, and the ability to acquire new scientific knowledge and to apply it creatively. This examination is conducted by the Board of Examiners for Comprehensive Doctoral Examination (Komise pro státní doktorskou zkoušku).
Successful completion of the final comprehensive doctoral examination is a pre-requisite for the presentation and defense of the doctoral thesis. This thesis is a result of the solution to a specific scientific task; it proves the capability of a doctoral student to independently create his/her own work and must include original achievements of scientific work published by the author of the dissertation or results accepted for publication. The doctoral thesis must contain original new findings. The presentation and defense of the work are conducted by the Board for the Defence of a Doctoral Thesis (Komise pro obhajobu dizertační práce) and is open to the public. A single re-submission is allowed in the case of an unsuccessful final examination or an unsuccessful presentation and defense of the doctoral thesis. Based on the regular completion of study in a Ph.D. Programme, the degree of "Doctor" (abbreviated to "Ph.D.") is obtained from The Czech Technical University in Prague.
Doctoral studies can be prematurely ended by the student, on the basis of a written application. In the case of long-term neglect of responsibilities, the studies can be ended by a decision of the Dean or the Director of the institute.
Specialization list
- Acoustics
- Electric Machines, Apparatus, and Drives
- Electric Power Engineering
- Electronics
- Electrotechnology and Materials
- Plasma Physics
- Information Science and Computer Engineering
- Mathematical Engineering
- Measurement and Instrumentation
- Air Traffic Control
- Radioelectronics
- Control Engineering and Robotics
- Business Management and Economics
- Telecommunication Engineering
- Electrical Engineering Theory
- Artificial Intelligence and Biocybernetics
Full-time doctoral students studying at CTU and living outside of Prague may be provided accommodation in a university dormitory and are entitled to dine in student cafeterias.
Application for enrolment
The application for the study should be submitted to the Dean's office. There are usually two application periods per year (in April and in October); the admission exams take place in June and in January. Applicants must specify, their intended study program, the intended doctoral thesis topic, and the intended supervisor, which has to be chosen from the offer presented on the Faculty web page.
The application should also have attached:
- Curriculum vitae
- Documentation of attained education and any professional experience to date (recognition of the previous level of education achieved by a foreigner in any other country than the Czech Republic is subject to the law - for more information contact please Mrs. Mgr. Ludmila Drahošová from the Rector's Office of CTU, Department of Education, phone: 22435 3469)
- A summary of published works, other professional work results, and - if applicable - an appraisal of these publications
- Application for a scholarship to assist in covering tuition fees and living expenses (if relevant) (signed only by the student)
- A confirmation of the payment of CZK 800,- as a fee for the admission procedure