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University of Evora


The University of Evora is a public university in Évora, Portugal. It is the second oldest university in the country, established in 1559 by Cardinal Henry, and received University status in April of the same year from Pope Paul IV, as documented in his Cum a nobis papal bull.

The University of Evora is a public university in Évora, Portugal. It is the second oldest university in the country, established in 1559 by Cardinal Henry, and received University status in April of the same year from Pope Paul IV, as documented in his Cum a nobis papal bull.


The University of Évora is one of the universities belonging to the Portuguese public higher education system. As such, its mission involves:

  • The production of knowledge through scientific and artistic research, experimentation and technological and humanistic development;
  • The socialization of knowledge, providing the traditional student population, as well as the working population, with academic qualification through undergraduate, master's and doctoral courses, ad hoc training courses and informal training throughout life;
  • The transmission of knowledge to the community, fostering innovation and business competitiveness, the modernization of public services, as well as the social and cultural development of the broader community.


The vision of the University of Évora favors the region background, the Alentejo, in which operates, choosing it as the preferred target of its effort to socialize knowledge; shares identical human, cultural and scientific values with the European Community; prioritize strategical alliances with the neighboring regions; seeks to expand its mission into the Portuguese-speaking countries, not forgetting, at the same time, the current challenges related to a global “world” for which the students must be well-prepared.


The University of Évora adopts the principle of the free “inquiry” as defined by Henri Poincaré, in the pursuit of the tasks arising from its mission:

“Thinking must never submit itself, neither to a dogma, nor to a party, nor to a passion, nor to an interest, nor to a preconceived idea, nor to anything whatsoever, if not to facts themselves, because for it to submit to anything else, would be the end of its existence.”

Moreover, the University of Évora's intrinsic values are:

  • Respect for human dignity;
  • Academic freedom;
  • Individual merit;
  • The rigor in the execution of any tasks;
  • The democracy underlying the decision;
  • The absence of social, ethnic or confessional discrimination.

Anchor Areas

Having as its mission the transmission and production of knowledge, and basing its strategies on the regional context in which it operates, the University of Évora bases its performance on 4 anchor areas that distinguish it from other Portuguese public higher education institutions.

  • Mediterranean and Environment: based on the idea that more important than knowing the territory and its geoclimatic characteristics, it is to preserve this cultural space resulting from a rich civilizational confluence that bequeathed us its heritage and traditions.
  • Material, Intangible and Human Heritage: celebrates the different types of expressions, practices, knowledge and representations that, passed from generation to generation, manifest a sense of identity and contribute to respect for cultural diversity and human creativity.
  • Paths of Life and Well-Being: promotes, in the area of ​​health, a plural approach that focuses on specialized training and is attentive to the care provided for the individual's quality of life.
  • Aerospace and Digital Transformation: it encourages, with an eye to the future, technological evolution, and transversal to all areas of society.

UÉ in Numbers

  • Students
    8060 students, 1520 foreign students
  • Bachelor's Degree
  • Master Degrees
  • Doctoral Degrees
  • Research Units
  • Publications
    26238 Scientific publications available in the Scientific Repository of UÉ
  • Co-operation Protocols

    Applications must be submitted online through the Integrated Information System of the University of (SIIUE ) within the Calendar for Applying for Acceptance and Admission to the University of Évora.

    Master and Postgraduate Degrees


    National and international students may apply for the cycle of studies leading to a master or postgraduate degree if:

    • They hold a Bachelor’s degree or legal equivalent;
    • They hold a foreign academic degree awarded after completing the first-cycle of studies structured by a signatory State in accordance with the principles of the Bologna process;
    • They hold a foreign university degree that is recognised as meeting the requirements of a Bachelor’s degree by the School's Scientific or Technical-Scientific Board;
    • They have an academic, scientific or career curriculum that is recognised as attesting to their ability to follow the study plan defined by the School’s Scientific or Technical-Scientific Board. Candidates will be required to request that their curriculum be recognised when applying.

    Candidates must request recognition of their ability to attend a master or postgraduate degree course by the School's Scientific or Technical-Scientific Board in their application form. Recognition will only be valid for acceptance to study cycles that lead to a master or postgraduate degree and do not confer equivalence to a Bachelor’s degree, or recognition for any other purposes.

    Specific entry requirements for certain courses may be stipulated in the notices of the opening of each course. Candidates who do not meet those requirements will not be considered for admission.

    How to apply

    Applications for Master and Postgraduate degree courses must be submitted by completing the appropriate form.

    • Step 1: Register online
    • Step 2: Fill in the application form

    The following documents must be submitted with the application:

    • bachelor's degree diploma, authenticated, containing the final grade average (except for the habilitations acquired at Universidade de Évora;
    • document issued by higher education institution that awarded the degree proving the average of completion if the average is not included in the diploma of the degree;
    • Transcript of records (document with Course Units discriminated with respective grade and ECTS) - students that obtained their degree in Universidade de Évora are exempted;
    • document issued by higher education institution, Ministery or Embassy, that awarded the degree proving the average of completion (if the average is not included in the diploma of the degree) and the grading scale used in that Institution, identifying the minimum classification that corresponds to approval (in case it does not appear in the qualification certificate), in case of having foreign qualifications. This declaration is necessary, in case it is not included in the degree certificate, for the conversion of the final average obtained in the degree into the Portuguese scale. Without this document, the International Student Merit Scholarship can never be awarded;
    • curriculum Vitae ;
    • document proof of Protocol application (if applicable);
    • If you are a national of a non-EU country, a document confirming that you do not enjoy international student status (pursuant to Article 3 of Decree-Law 62/2018 ), but fall under one of the criteria to which such status does not apply
    • certificate of approval in tests to oral and written mastery of the Portuguese language and mastery of the essential rules of logical and critical argumentation, in case they have passed these tests at another Higher Education Institution, applicable only to applicants for master's degrees that confer professional qualification for teaching in pre-school education and in basic and secondary education;

    Additional documents may be required to submit the application if listed on the course publication notice (Edital).

    The digitalized documents submitted with the application that concern foreign education, except those acquired in the European Union countries, must be endorsed by the Hague Apostille (Hague Convention of October 5th 1962) by the Portuguese Consulate or Embassy in the country where the qualifications were obtained. The document must also contain an authenticated signature, seal or stamp of the institution that conferred the qualifications. Original qualification documents, exactly as submitted with the application, must be sent by post mail to the address of Universidade de Évora Academic Services as listed on UÉ website in three consecutive days succeeding the application's seriation results. Afterwards, the documents will be returned once the student proceeds to validate their ID document in person in the Academic Services. In alternative, copies of the documents are accepted as long as certified by a legally competent institution to verify that said copies are a faithful reproduction of the original document. The enrollment will be annulled if the University does not recieve the application documents within 30 consecutive days after the enrollment registration. Furthermore, the placement in UÉ will be invalidated and the applicant will lose its vacancy.

    In case of qualification documents obtained in European Union member states, their original versions must be presented in person to the Academic Services of UÉ within thirty consecutive days after the enrollment registration, who will then proceed to authenticate its copies and return the original documents to the applicant. In alternative, copies of the document that are duly authenticated by a certified or legally able insitution to do so (as CTT, notarians, lawyers, solicitors, civil registration offices, parish councils, chambers of commerce and industry) according to article 38 of the Decree-Law n.º 76-A/2006 of May 29th.

    If the application documents are not written in Portuguese, Spanish, Italian, French or English, an official translation issued by a certified and legally able must be presented to the Academic Services (official translator recognized by the Portuguese diplomatic representatives or a notarian).

    In case the qualification documents have no mention of the final degree average or if said classification does not correspond to the evalluation scale of 0-20, a document issued by the superior education institution or the Education Ministry of the country where the qualification were obtained must be presented, and it should describe the final average classification. The grade will be converted according to the rules of article 7 of the Application's Regulation. If this document is not submitted, a final classification of 10 values (in a 0-20 scale) will be attributed as long as the applicant submits a document proof of the qualification degree(s) obtained in order for the applications to be seriated and for calculations related to International Students scholarships attribution.

    • Evora

      Largo dos Colegiais,2, 7004-516, Evora

      University of Evora