23 programs in Prague
- PhD
- Czech Republic
- Prague
- Part time
23 programs in Prague
Charles University Protestant Theological Faculty
PhD in Practical and Ecumenical Theology and Theological Ethics
- Prague, Czech Republic
Full time, Part time
4 years
Blended, On-Campus
Charles University Faculty of Arts
Ph.D. in Philosophy
- Prague, Czech Republic
Full time, Part time
4 years
The graduate is a highly educated expert who has shown an ability to develop their knowledge in a creative way. The dissertation demonstrates an outstanding contribution in a specialisation chosen from a wide range of themes, including the history of ideas, practical and theoretical philosophy and topics in contemporary thinking. The graduate is equipped, in terms of knowledge, method and language skills, to do independent research in philosophy and social sciences. He/she can be employed as a researcher in social sciences, university teacher, editor or translator of expert publications, critic, commentator, or executive worker and analyst in state administration. The graduate has analytical and language skills applicable to a large scale of professions which need critical thinking, ranging from public agencies to private enterprises.
Charles University Protestant Theological Faculty
PhD in Historical and Systematic Theology
- Prague, Czech Republic
Full time, Part time
4 years
Blended, On-Campus
Charles University Protestant Theological Faculty
PhD in Biblical Theology
- Prague, Czech Republic
Full time, Part time
4 years
Blended, On-Campus
The purpose of doctoral studies in the field of Biblical Theology is for students to cultivate, in the usual way for advanced studies, their ability to think theologically and to deepen their knowledge in the relevant biblical theology disciplines on an expert level. The field covers all aspects of the specialist study of the Bible, such as theological, literary, and historical factors. Studies focus on either the Old Testament or the New Testament field. They include the examination of biblical texts in their relevance for religious and cultural traditions. Depending on the specific dissertation project, studies may deal with textual, linguistic, literary, literary-historical, historiographical, religious, or cultural issues. Normally, they must also raise questions about the theological profile or overall testimony of Scripture in relation to relevant theological questions, and also deal with issues of understanding, communication, and interpretation. The working field of biblical studies also includes the related specialist disciplines – for example, the philology of the ancient and classical languages, the literature of the ancient Near East and the principal cultures of Antiquity, the phenomenology of religions and the study of the religions of antiquity, the archaeology and historiography of the relevant regions – and also a reflection on methodologies in the biblical field, hermeneutical issues, and the history of biblical research and its current trends. Studies are linked to an appropriate degree with other theological fields, and, like other branches of theology, have an interdisciplinary dimension.
Charles University Faculty of Arts
Ph.D. in Romance Literatures
- Prague, Czech Republic
Full time, Part time
4 years
Graduates from the Ph.D. program in Romance Literatures are highly qualified specialists trained to conduct research work in their field (the literature of one or more Romance-speaking areas). They are able to analyze the literature of the chosen Romance-speaking area in a qualified manner, applying a synchronic or diachronic approach and modern literary methods and research procedures. Moreover, their expertise comprises the knowledge of general literary theory, the fundamentals of comparative literature and literary theory and criticism with a special emphasis on the chosen Romance-speaking area. Graduates are qualified for positions in the academia (universities, research centers etc.); their language skills and broad education qualify the graduates for employment in cultural institutions, the media, diplomacy, and other fields.
Charles University Faculty of Arts
Ph.D. in Medieval and Neo-Latin Studies
- Prague, Czech Republic
Full time, Part time
4 years
Graduates have a sound knowledge of current trends in the field and are able to adopt a creative approach to the relevant source material. Graduates are equipped to work with original Latin documents, i.e. literary and diplomatic manuscripts, incunabula, paleotypes and old prints, being able to interpret and prepare them for publication and translation. Having been trained in philology and literary history and acquired the foundations of relevant historical disciplines (codicology, palaeography, diplomatic) and of cultural history, graduates are equipped to place mediaeval and early modern works into the context of their time and also to interpret them as a factor influencing the culture and society of subsequent eras.
Charles University Faculty of Arts
Ph.D. in Anglophone Literatures and Cultures
- Prague, Czech Republic
Full time, Part time
4 years
Graduates are highly qualified specialists in literary and cultural studies focused on English-speaking countries, especially the literature and cultures on the British Isles and in North America. They have a good command of theoretical and methodological approaches, are able to conduct independent research and to teach literary and cultural histories of the United Kingdom, USA, Ireland and other English-speaking countries, and related literary and cultural courses, at tertiary level. They can participate in team research projects and work in international research teams. Czech graduates have a good command of the terminology and style of the discipline in their mother tongue and possess basic knowledge of the reception of Anglophone literature in Czech culture.
Charles University Faculty of Arts
Ph.D. in Egyptology
- Prague, Czech Republic
Full time, Part time
4 years
The Ph.D. graduate has in-depth theoretical knowledge in all principal fields of Egyptology and a detailed overview and an up-to-date understanding of the current state of research and associated problems. On the basis of the upheld Ph.D. dissertation, he/she is able to demonstrate exceptional quality in his/her specific specialization. The scholarly, language and analytical proficiency and skills of the graduate make him/her fully equipped for a professional scholarly and pedagogic pursuit on an international level. The Ph.D. graduate may be employed in many top-rated institutions centered on the study of antiquity, as well as on the level of effective top executives in institutions partaking in cultural, political, economic or trade relations between the Czech Republic and Egypt.
Charles University Faculty of Arts
Ph.D. in Musicology
- Prague, Czech Republic
Part time
4 years
The individually designed attestation system of the doctoral program provides graduates with an insight into the current state of research and methodology of the subject, especially in the selected area of specialization and closely related disciplines. During the course, graduates also explored philosophical issues connected to their doctoral subjects and topics and passed a foreign language exam. The doctoral dissertation is a scientifically valuable contribution to the investigation of the topic and its findings are usually published as a monograph or study in a scientific journal.
Charles University Faculty of Arts
- Prague, Czech Republic
Full time, Part time
4 years
Joint program with the Slavic Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, a public scientific institution. Training takes place in Russian.
Charles University Faculty of Arts
Ph.D. in Germanic and Nordic Languages and Literatures
- Prague, Czech Republic
Full time, Part time
4 years
The graduate of Germanic and Nordic Languages and Literatures is a highly educated expert who is qualified for research in his/her field, i. e., in Germanic and Nordic linguistics or literature. He/she is ready for scholarly work and further growth in the academic area. He/she is able to manage language and literary problems where language skills and philological work are required, or where the theory and history of individual literature in all its linguistic and historical-cultural contexts are needed.
Charles University Faculty of Arts
Ph.D. in General Linguistics
- Prague, Czech Republic
Full time, Part time
4 years
The General Linguistics Ph.D. graduate is able to analyze in detail the variable and constant elements of language structure and function, both synchronically and diachronically. S/he understands the structure of linguistic theories, the way in which they are related, and also the empirical method of confirming or refuting them. S/he has an insight into the pragmatic and social context of language communication.
Czech Technical University in Prague
Ph.D. in Nuclear Safety, Security and Forensics
- Prague 6, Czech Republic
Full time, Part time
4 years
The new study program is focused on nuclear security of nuclear installations, nuclear materials, sources of ionizing radiation, and nuclear forensics. A unique feature of the new Ph.D. program consists in relatedness of nuclear security of nuclear installations, nuclear materials, sources of ionizing radiation, and nuclear safety of nuclear installations and its synergies; particularly in emergency preparedness and forensics methods used in various nuclear fields.
Czech Technical University in Prague
Ph.D. in High-Temperature Plasma Physics and Thermonuclear Fusion
- Prague 6, Czech Republic
Full time, Part time
4 years
The program integrates a wide range of scientific and engineering knowledge focused on advanced parts of plasma physics and related technologies. The challenge of mastering the controlled thermonuclear fusion is emphasized in the program.
Czech Technical University in Prague
Ph.D. in Quantum Technologies
- Prague 6, Czech Republic
Full time, Part time
4 years
The doctoral program in Quantum Technologies is a multidisciplinary program that targets the education of top experts engaged in the research and scientific-technical practice in the fields of quantum technologies, especially quantum physics, information and communications, quantum optics, lasers, solids, nanomaterials, nanostructures, and advanced characterization and modeling methods.
Popular degree type
Part time PhD Programmes in Prague, Czech Republic
The Czech Republic, is a landlocked country in Central Europe. The country is bordered by Germany to the west, Austria to the south, Slovakia to the east and Poland to the north. Its capital and largest city, with 1.3 million inhabitants, is Prague.
The PhD is a doctoral degree, specifically called a "doctor of philosophy" degree. This is misleading because PhD holders are not necessarily philosophers (unless they earned their degree in philosophy!). That said, PhD recipients are able to engage in thought experiments, reason about problems, and solve problems in sophisticated ways.
Part-time learning allows one to obtain a degree or qualification even if one cannot attend school on a full-time basis. One can learn at one's own pace, gradually accumulating credits that count towards a final qualification.