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30 General Studies programs found


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30 General Studies programs found

PhD Programmes in General Studies

The highest academic accomplishment offered, a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), indicates that the person who earned it is deserving of the title of “doctor” in his or her chosen academic career. Typically, this degree involves both coursework and devoted research and can take up to 10 years to earn.

What is a PhD in General Studies? While many schools and universities offer a bachelor's degree in general studies, due to its lack of a specific field, it is not as prevalent at the doctorate level. However, that does not mean there are no options available to receive this degree. Some institutions will offer a PhD in General Studies, and others will offer something similar, such as an interdisciplinary PhD. An interdisciplinary degree involves coursework and research into a wide range of subject matter, from liberal arts to hard sciences like biology or chemistry.

Due to its level of personalization and customization, a general studies program draws on many skills. All PhD candidates will require the ability to research intensely, as well as demonstrate high levels of discipline and a devotion to clearly communicating complex issues. These skills bode well for those seeking a career in research and further learning.

It can be difficult to estimate the cost of a PhD program in general studies due to its inherent nature, but costs will differ from program to program, as well as country to country. Typically, a PhD will take five to eight years to complete.

Those interested in receiving a doctorate-level degree in general studies are typically research-focused, with a willingness to continue their growth in education and academia. It is not unusual for someone with this degree to continue as a lecturer, professor, or even expert-level author in this field. In addition to academics, becoming a field or lab researcher, a corporate or nonprofit consultant, or a data analyst are all possibilities.

Not all PhD-granting institutions offer general studies programs, but they are possible to find locally, globally, and online. Search for your program below and contact directly the admission office of the school of your choice by filling in the lead form.