30 General Studies programs found
- PhD
- General Studies
30 General Studies programs found
Unicaf University (ZM)
Doctorate of Philosophy (PhD)
- Lusaka, Zambia
Full time, Part time
Distance learning
The goal of the PhD programme is to prepare the next generation of leading researchers. The PhD is a programme of independent, self-directed academic research degree, supported by a team of supervisors that makes an original contribution to knowledge written up in a publishable dissertation. The PhD programme also supports the development of research and generic skills to equip you to operate successfully as a professional researcher in any setting. The essential requirement of a PhD is the creation of new knowledge. Being a researcher means developing new ideas and improving understanding through the creation of new knowledge. Your research will inevitably build to some degree on the work and ideas of others, but as a research student, you are expected to make an original contribution to knowledge in your discipline. Each Doctoral student must take a number of online modules and also complete a dissertation. Students must defend their dissertation in a "viva voce" (oral) examination which can be completed online. The viva-voce examination is an intense and challenging experience, but we offer relevant guidance and support to help our research students prepare for this important milestone.
The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen - The School of Humanities and Social Science
MPhil-PhD in Global Studies
- Shenzhen, China
Full time
4 years
The program seeks innovative and forward-thinking social science talents globally with a range of research focuses, including international relations, international security, international political economy, global governance, international organization, comparative politics, Chinese political economy, and other related areas.
Hector Fellow Academy
Hector Fellow Academy
- Karlsruhe, Germany
Full time
3 years
The HFA doctoral students are given the opportunity to benefit from the wealth of experience and outstanding expertise of their supervisor while building up a research network. It is possible to pursue a Ph.D. in various STEM-related subjects according to your previous academic background, such as engineering, informatics, natural sciences/mathematics, and psychology/medicine. Ph.D. students of the Hector Fellow Academy are employed as research assistants for a period of three years. The salary corresponds to the internal regulations at the University of the respective Hector Fellow.
University of Pécs
PhD in Interdisciplinary Medical Sciences
- Pécs, Hungary
Full time
4 years
The structure of the PhD in Interdisciplinary Medical Sciences of the Medical Faculty is similar to those of most European and American universities. The doctoral (PhD) degree, as the highest qualification attainable at university, is confer- red by the University of Pécs on those who have given evidence of having acquired sufficient practical skills and theoretical knowledge to conduct scientific research independently.
Universidade Santiago de Compostela
PhD in Mathematical Methods and Numerical Simulation in Engineering and Applied Sciences
- Santiago de Compostela, Spain
Full time
3 years
Spanish, Galician
At present, with the rapid evolution of engineering and applied sciences, the need to train specialists in modeling and numerical simulation of processes from the industrial or business field is evident, so that, in these fields, promote from the University the transfer of knowledge and the incorporation of doctors to the R+D+i departments, with training aimed at optimizing processes, reducing costs, improving product quality, designing new technologies, increasing safety, reducing environmental pollution, etc.
University of Sopron
PhD in Wood Sciences and Technologies - Cziraki Jozsef Doctoral School
- Sopron, Hungary
Full time
8 semesters
The students receive strong theoretical, research methodology, and scientific backgrounds, and complete their research individually, with some guidance from their supervisors. Supervision is offered by the top experts and wood scientists in Hungary. The topics are typically linked to industrial research or innovation projects so that Sopron doctoral graduates have not only strong theoretical backgrounds but are very practical scientists as well.
Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT)
Ph.D. in Color Science
- Rochester, USA
Full time, Part time
4 years
Color science research at RIT encompasses such diverse fields as medical data visualization, computer graphics and animation, art conservation, spectral and spatial measurements of materials, color printing, digital photography, motion picture and television, and modeling of our perceptions for use in defining color quality.
Selinus University of Sciences and Literature
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Yoga Therapy
- Ragusa, Italy
24 Months
Distance learning
Yoga is one of the oldest forms of healing. However, so far it has not been applied meaningfully to promote health. The goal of Yoga Therapy is to maximize the restoration of health and well-being of the mind, body and spirit by using a person's own amazing ability to heal. Through this research programme, the candidate should confirm that yoga is a therapy that helps heal ailments using its deep wisdom and traditional principles.
North Carolina A&T State University
Ph.D. in Applied Science and Technology
- Greensboro, USA
Full time
4 years
The mission of the Applied Science & Technology Ph.D. program is to prepare students for high-level science and technology careers in industry, research, and government. Graduates will be able to conceive, develop, and conduct original research that applies physical, mathematical, and technological methods to provide solutions to a broad range of emerging local, national, and global problems related to Atmospheric, Environmental, and Energy Science; Applied Physics; Bioscience; Applied Chemistry; Data Science and Analytics; Applied Engineering Technology; Information Technology; Technology Management; Geomatics; and STEM Education.
UiT The Arctic University of Norway
PhD in Engineering Science
- Narvik, Norway
Full time
3 years
The PhD program in Engineering Science covers fields of study at all institutes within the faculty. Our researchers and research groups collaborate directly with industry and other research environments. We integrate sustainable principles in the development and improvement of technologies and solutions, including, but not limited to; energy and efficiency, building and infrastructure, production and logistics, product design, geometric analysis and computations.
Goldsmiths, University of London
MPhil/PhD Cultural Studies
- London, United Kingdom
Full time, Part time
On this programme we interrupt theory with practice, and practice with theory – we aim to engage you, intellectually and critically, and with enthusiasm, in a cultural studies project that questions everything.
Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
Programa de Doctorado en Estudios Interdisciplinarios de Género
- Alcorcón, Spain
- Municipality of Fuenlabrada, Spain + 2 more
Full time, Part time
3 years
Kaunas University of Technology
International PhD Summer School
- Kaunas, Lithuania
Full time
1 week
PhD Summer School focuses on development of key competences required for achieving best results in successful defense of the doctoral dissertation and identifying further research directions. Therefore topics of our PhD Summer Schools include: management of scientific research data, writing of scientific articles, analysis of the subtleties of project management, research integrity and ethics, intellectual property and patent system, communication skills development, etc.
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme in HKUST
- Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Full time
3 years
HKUST has been drawing the best doctoral students from around the world through the Hong Kong Ph.D. Fellowship Scheme (HKPFS), established by the Hong Kong Research Grants Council.
Hirosaki University
Doctor of Science and Technology
- Hirosaki, Japan
Full time
The Graduate School of Science and Technology (Doctoral Course) consists of two courses of Advanced Materials Science and Technology and Safety Science and Technology. The former covers the development of useful materials and their application technology and the latter does crisis-controlling technology for natural and human-originating disasters in the highly developed society.
Popular degree type
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Popular education type
PhD Programmes in General Studies
The highest academic accomplishment offered, a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), indicates that the person who earned it is deserving of the title of “doctor” in his or her chosen academic career. Typically, this degree involves both coursework and devoted research and can take up to 10 years to earn.
What is a PhD in General Studies? While many schools and universities offer a bachelor's degree in general studies, due to its lack of a specific field, it is not as prevalent at the doctorate level. However, that does not mean there are no options available to receive this degree. Some institutions will offer a PhD in General Studies, and others will offer something similar, such as an interdisciplinary PhD. An interdisciplinary degree involves coursework and research into a wide range of subject matter, from liberal arts to hard sciences like biology or chemistry.
Due to its level of personalization and customization, a general studies program draws on many skills. All PhD candidates will require the ability to research intensely, as well as demonstrate high levels of discipline and a devotion to clearly communicating complex issues. These skills bode well for those seeking a career in research and further learning.
It can be difficult to estimate the cost of a PhD program in general studies due to its inherent nature, but costs will differ from program to program, as well as country to country. Typically, a PhD will take five to eight years to complete.
Those interested in receiving a doctorate-level degree in general studies are typically research-focused, with a willingness to continue their growth in education and academia. It is not unusual for someone with this degree to continue as a lecturer, professor, or even expert-level author in this field. In addition to academics, becoming a field or lab researcher, a corporate or nonprofit consultant, or a data analyst are all possibilities.
Not all PhD-granting institutions offer general studies programs, but they are possible to find locally, globally, and online. Search for your program below and contact directly the admission office of the school of your choice by filling in the lead form.